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What Is Condor Clan?

The Condor Clan is led by a volunteer council of members. They serve terms of one year. The positions are open to be filled by any interested Condor Clan member after one year of regular participation in the community.


Kent is the founder of the Condor Clan and served as a Condor Vision fast Guide for 25 years. 


Farion is the

co-founder of  the Condor Clan and served as a Condor Vision fast Guide for 25 years. 

KEnt and Farion Pearce

Condor Clan Founders

Shawn Berry

Current Condor Clan Coordinators


Shawn currently serves as a Coordinator on the  Condor Clan Coordinator team
for 2023


If you have been initiated through a visionquest through Condor Vision you have a standing invitation to become a participating member of the Condor Clan. If you have been initiated through another wilderness rites of passage organization or experience that meets a similar criteria as Condor Vision's program, Condor Clan invites you to contact us and discuss the potential of becoming an "adopted" member. We extend this offer because incorporation is the hardest part of the three phases of initiation. The Condor Clan was created to support initiated men and women in giving their gift and living their vision. Below are some of the opportunities available to participate in as a community member.


Seasonal Incoporation Meetings

Our primary gathering is held four times a year on the closest Saturday or Sunday to the equinoxes and solstices. Men and women meet at the same time, but hold separate councils. These meetings are led by a volunteer member. Meetings have a brief ritual before sitting in circle to practice Way Of Council as a way to share our ongoing journey incorporating our "gift from the mountain" into daily life. After the meetings finish there is socializing over lunch.


Spring Welcoming

The Spring Welcoming brings current Condor Clan members together to reunite and support the current year's men and women quest groups as they proceed through the six month severance period leading up to the threshold time of fasting on the mountain. It is the first opportunity for the new questers and Condor members to meet and anticipate the fellowship of a growing community. Its main objective is to have fun and make connections. There are introductions, fun activities, small group breakouts, and of course, a potluck!


Mirroring Circle

After questers have returned from the mountain, Condor Clan members are invited to help mirror the quester’s stories. Our community, having held a circle and prayed for the questers on the last eve of their quest - the vigil night, circle again to be present in witnessing their stories. This provides the important element of “being seen” and accepted for the first time as the person they have claimed transformation into. It is perhaps one of the greatest ways to honor a returning quester: to sit, listen, and reflect the gems of their story back to them, and ritually receive the gift they have brought down the mountain to be offered to their people. 


Honoring Ceremony

The Honoring Ceremony happens after both men and women questers’ stories have been heard. Questers are welcomed into their color family and introduced to the community for the first time by stating their questing name. This is the one Condor Clan Event where family and friends are invited and encouraged to attend in order to honor their loved one's journey. A potluck follows!


Fall Reunion

The Fall Reunion is a time when we gather as a community. We use this time-on-the-land opportunity to enjoy being together on the earth, as well as to explore our personal medicine power.

WOMEN: Sara MacCracken

‭805-798-1620‬  |


MEN: Tony Willard

805-231-4340‬  |

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